This is my web page and this is some background information about me. I was born in 1963 in Monroe Wisconsin. Moved to Beloit Wisconsin in 1965 where I have lived ever since. I graduated from Beloit Memorial High School in 1981 and took Auto mechanics at Blackhawk tech. I am married to Diane. We met in high school and dated for about seven years before we got married in 1988. We have two daughters, Ashley and Shelby.
I went to work in 1982 for Ayres Chevrolet/Buick/Pontiac dealership in Brodhead Wisconsin. This is one of the finest dealerships in Wisconsin. It is located in a small town and has the friendliest staff I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Their main goal is to always please the customer. This is something you don't always find with a dealership. I worked there for almost five years before I went to Beloit Ford-Lincoln-Mercury in South Beloit Illinois. I found out in a hurry the difference between a small town service team and a big city service team..... I'll take the small town team anytime. I worked there until 1989 when I decided to get out of the auto repair business all together. I now work for a company that makes main engine controls for aircraft engines. Woodward makes controls for all sizes of aircraft, from small propeller driven planes, to business sized corporate jets, to the full sized commercial aircraft you see every day overhead. I work in the Large Gas Turbine division testing and calibrating controls for the Boeing 737,747,and the 767. You can check out Woodward @ WWW.Woodward.com I also enjoy making web pages. I have done a web for the local Lions Club's annual car show and one that is used for our department at work. You can check out my other webs sites here. Thank you for visiting my little
spot on the web and I hope you like what you find.