This is my Brother-in-law's 1969 Sports Roof. It started life as a 351w
4v with an automatic transmission and A/C. He picked it up when he was
in high school. He wanted something more then just a plain Sports Roof.
Looking in some Mustang Magazines he found an article about putting
Cleveland heads on a Windsor block. This was just what the doctor
ordered! A Clevor was born.
It took some time but the parts started to roll in. Many parts were
special order but most were replacement parts for motors already out
there. It has Boss 351 pop up
pistons, Australian rods, and a set of Rodes lifters to give
it that solid cam sound.
When he pulled the engine
out to do all the work of balancing and assembly of the heads
on it, he also converted it over to a 4 speed. The car already
had a open 9 inch rear end so he also swapped the third member
for a locking unit.
After all the pony power he
added, he then added a NHRA certified roll bar.
Nice car Bob!