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D.S.O. Codes

1970 Production Numbers
Vin Number
D.S.O. Codes
The Mach 1
The Sports Roof
The Grabber
The Grande'
The Convertible
Color Codes
Street Boss Build
69 Street Boss


D.S.O 1965-1973
District Code

11 Boston 45 Davenport (65/68)
12 Buffalo (65/66) 45 Lansing (72/73)
12 Buffalo (72/73) 46 Indianapolis (69/73)
13 New York 47 Cincinnati (69/73)
14 Pittsburgh (65/66) 48 Detroit (72/73)
14 Pittsburgh (72/73) 51 Denver (65/71)
15 Newark 52 Des Moines (65/68)
16 Philadelphia (67/73) 52 Dallas (72/73)
17 Washington (67173) 53 Kansas City
21 Atlanta 54 Omaha
22 Charlotte 55 St Louis
23 Philadelphia (65/66) 56 Davenport (69/73)
23 Memphis (72/73) 57 Houston (72/73)
24 Jacksonville 58 Twin Cities (72/73)
25 Richmond 61 Dallas (65/71)
26 Washington (65/66) 62 Houston (65/71)
26 New Orleans (72/73) 63 Memphis (65/71)
27 Cincinnati (67/68) 64 New Orleans (65/71)
28 Louisville (67/3) 65 Oklahoma City (65/71)
31 Cincinnati (65/66) 71 Los Angeles
32 Cleveland (65/71) 72 San Jose
33 Detroit (65/71) 73 Salt Lake City
34 Indianapolis (65/68) 74 Seattle
35 Lansing (65/71) 75 Phoenix (67/73)
36 Louisville (65/66) 76 Denver (72/73)
37 Buffalo (67/71) 81 Ford of Canada (65/68)
38 Pittsburgh (67/71) 83 Government
41 Chicago 84 Home Office Reserve
42 Fargo (65/68) 85 American Red Cross.
42 Cleveland (72/73) 87 Body Company (71/73)
43 Rockford (65/66) 89 Transportation Serv.
43 Milwaukee (67/73) 8D Shelby Unit (68)
44 Twin Cities (65/70) 90-99 Export

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 Home | 1970 Production Numbers | Vin Number | D.S.O. Codes | The Mach 1 | The Sports Roof | The Grabber | The Grande' | The Convertible | Color Codes | Flyers | Street Boss Build | 69 Street Boss