Welcome to my web site!
This web is a
collection of information about the 1970 Mustang.
I started this web
because of
my love of the 1970 Mach1. I wanted a place to put as much information
together about this car that you would love it as much as I do. This is
always a work in progress so you can stop back anytime to see what is
new. If for some reason you find the information here to be incorrect in
anyway, please e-mail me so I can correct it.
In my web you will find information about Mustang's, Shelby's, and other
cars I find of great interest.
If you find a broken link, or know of a link that should be listed,
e-mail me and let me know.
All information here is found on the web or in books that I have and I
will give credit and links to those who deserve credit for the
information. If you find an article or picture within that you are owner
of please contact me and I will give credit or remove the article.
web is for the purpose of sharing information and not to show that I am
an authority on Mustangs. I do not claim to know everything about the
Mustang only to share all the information I can find
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Beloit Autorama
